Saturday 19 May 2012



The main reason why people buy laptops is so they can go online. Apple's version of Internet Explorer from PC is Safari. Safari is a browsing application that works quite fast and is very sufficient.

Reading List:

When coming across something you find interesting on the internet, you can quickly save the website into reading list. With iCloud, you can keep track of all of the website you have saved in reading list on all Apple devices. The reading list allows you to browse through some of your favourite websites quickly. 

Multi-Touch Gestures:

There are many touch gestures you can use on the trackpad that can be used to navigate around Safari. The following are just a couple of examples of some multi-touch gestures:

- With this touch gesture, you can swipe between safari tabs and go back in your history in the Safari window.

- By double taping the same place on the track pad, you can zoom in on the screen of a Safari window. You can double tap the same spot a second time and the screen will go back to its original view.

- By using this action, you can zoom in and out more precisely that the tap to zoom. By swiping your fingers out, you will zoom in on the safari window. If you swipe your fingers in, you will zoom out the safari window. The Safari window will turn back to normal

- For this action you just put two fingers on the track pad. Swipe up to scroll up and                              swipe down to scroll down. It is a very simple action and the most commonly used one on safari.

Full Screen Browsing:

With this new feature, you can enlarge Safari so that it takes up your whole screen space. It will hide out your dock and top bar. You can only see these two features if you minimize the Safari screen to its original size.  This new feature allows you to browse through Safari with larger images and writing, making it easier for you to browse through.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." - Steve Jobs

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