Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC commercial based on restarting computers)
This commercial is showing how PC often crashes or has to restart on a regular basis. The main reason as to why they crash or have to restart continuously is because they often have to much 'stuff' on their hard drives. Often PC has to restart their computers because of the sheer amount of volume of documents on their computers.
Apple makes sure that they have small hard drives that contain only what a mac needs and nothing more. By having extra things on your hard drive there is a bigger risk of your computer crashing because it cannot obtain that much memory. Also Mac's have this application called Time Machine. If you set your computer up with this application it will automatically update and back up your computer every hour. By doing so, if for some unknown reason your computer crashes and you have not backed it up for a long time, then Time Machine would have backed it up for you.
Unfortunately, PC does not have an application like this. Therefore PC often has more crashes occurring and therefore, more information on their computers is lost, unless the user has backed up their computer.
- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Steve Jobs
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