Sunday, 11 December 2011

Mac vs. PC - Elimination

Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC commercial based on elimination of PC's)

This commercial is based on how PC manufactures many computers but none of them can function all that well.  They usually contain viruses and crash often.  The problem with PC is that they produce so many computers but not all of there computers can't function well enough to last a long time.

With Apple computers they are fast, sufficient and don't carry any viruses.  Before Apple sends out any of there products, they make sure that all viruses have been removed from the computer systems.  In this commercial, you may have noticed that when the lady said she doesn't want viruses, headaches and crashes, all the PC's left.  This is because during the PC security check stage they do not get rid of all the viruses, they may think they do, but obviously they don't according to this commercial and personal experiences.

In general, Mac is a lot more safer than PC's because they do not contain any viruses.  With Mac products, it will be assured that your computer will be fast and efficient without crashing or causing any problems.  PC may tell you the same story but the problem with them is there computers often crash because of the high tech speed and such.  PC has not yet developed a computer than can obtain the standards of a fast computer.  PC's often crash because of the fast speed of there computers and the lack of memory which the computer cannot hold.  Overall, Mac's have come up with a way to keep their speed and efficiency in there computers, but they also obtained not letting any viruses enter their computer and not so many crashes either.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish" Steve Jobs

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