Saturday 31 December 2011

Mac vs. PC - Time Machine

Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC commercial based on Time Machine)

Imagine, your PC computer crashed, you have not updated your computer recently and you have no copy of the information your computer held.  Now imagine, your MAC computer crashed, you have not updated your computer recently... BUT all of your computer information has been automatically backed up your computer using an application called Time Machine.  Well, this is what this commercial is based on, Time Machine.

All Mac's come with Time Machine, but it is the users choice to have it on or off.  Obviously it would be a bright idea to have it on because if your computer does for some reason crash, then whether you backed it up previously or not, there will always because a copy of you computers information on Time Machine.

Now, just because Time Machine is available it would still be a bright idea to back up your computer because you may have had your Time Machine off, therefore it wouldn't have backed up anything.

Even though Time Machine may take up quite a bit of memory, it is better to have it then to not because you will always have a back up of your computer.  Even if you delete a file and realize later that file is actually very valuable to you, then you can always go to Time Machine and find it.  Whenever you delete a file, your computer will always keep the file stored in Time Machine.  Also when deleting your History in Safari or Fire Fox, Time Machine will always keep a record of those websites you visited, just incase you want to go back and visit them in the future.

Well, that concludes this blog. Remember, always have Time Machine on, with Time Machine you will have everything you have ever done on your Mac all backed up.

Happy New Year everyone!

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Foolish. Stay Hungry" Steve Jobs

Thursday 22 December 2011

Mac vs. PC - Restarting

Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC commercial based on restarting computers)

This commercial is showing how PC often crashes or has to restart on a regular basis.  The main reason as to why they crash or have to restart continuously is because they often have to much 'stuff' on their hard drives.  Often PC has to restart their computers because of the sheer amount of volume of documents on their computers.

Apple makes sure that they have small hard drives that contain only what a mac needs and nothing more.  By having extra things on your hard drive there is a bigger risk of your computer crashing because it cannot obtain that much memory.  Also Mac's have this application called Time Machine.  If you set your computer up with this application it will automatically update and back up your computer every hour.  By doing so, if for some unknown reason your computer crashes and you have not backed it up for a long time, then Time Machine would have backed it up for you.

Unfortunately, PC does not have an application like this.  Therefore PC often has more crashes occurring and therefore, more information on their computers is lost, unless the user has backed up their computer.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Steve Jobs

Saturday 17 December 2011

Mac vs. PC - Elimination

Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC commercial based on Legal Copies)

This commercial shows that when you want to get an upgrade on a PC, the amount of legal copies will increase.  Basically you can't just get a PC, upgrade it and receive little amount of legal fees.  You need to go through the legal copies, and trust me, there is a lot of them.  As shown in the commercial, the amount of legal copies will increase each time you get an upgrade with PC's. For Mac's however the amount of legal copies is minimal.  When you get a small or big update, the amount of legal copies with not increase with Macs.

Apple makes sure that when you have to look at there legal copies, they are easy to read and understand.  No one wants to go through and read pages of legal copies that in the end make so sense.  For PC's depending on how big the upgrade is will depend on how much legal copies there are. To conclude that:

- Mac upgrades: BIG/SMALL upgrade = same amount of legal copies
- P.C upgrades: BIG/SMALL upgrade = different amount of legal copies depending on the size

Now-a-days people don't even bother to read legal copies if they are to large, lets face it, they are to long and boring.  People just want a quick and easy legal copy to read before they upgrade so they understand what will happen to their computer.

Mac will provide short, easy, and simple legal copies that only give you information that you need, not any extra information which is pointless to you.  PC legal copies tend to mumble on random stuff that does not make sense to the average human being.

Therefore Apple has made the process of dealing with legal copies a lot more 'enjoyable' than PC, since they are easy reads and you are only given the information needed in a small package.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Steve Jobs

Sunday 11 December 2011

Mac vs. PC - Elimination

Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC commercial based on elimination of PC's)

This commercial is based on how PC manufactures many computers but none of them can function all that well.  They usually contain viruses and crash often.  The problem with PC is that they produce so many computers but not all of there computers can't function well enough to last a long time.

With Apple computers they are fast, sufficient and don't carry any viruses.  Before Apple sends out any of there products, they make sure that all viruses have been removed from the computer systems.  In this commercial, you may have noticed that when the lady said she doesn't want viruses, headaches and crashes, all the PC's left.  This is because during the PC security check stage they do not get rid of all the viruses, they may think they do, but obviously they don't according to this commercial and personal experiences.

In general, Mac is a lot more safer than PC's because they do not contain any viruses.  With Mac products, it will be assured that your computer will be fast and efficient without crashing or causing any problems.  PC may tell you the same story but the problem with them is there computers often crash because of the high tech speed and such.  PC has not yet developed a computer than can obtain the standards of a fast computer.  PC's often crash because of the fast speed of there computers and the lack of memory which the computer cannot hold.  Overall, Mac's have come up with a way to keep their speed and efficiency in there computers, but they also obtained not letting any viruses enter their computer and not so many crashes either.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish" Steve Jobs

Saturday 3 December 2011

Mac vs. PC - Stuffed Hard Drives

What the following (It's a Mac vs. PC commercial and is based on Stuffed Hard Drives)

This video is based on how Mac can pack in so many things into their computer system, but still keep there hard drive small and compact.  This advert is showing PC enlarged because it has so many things jammed into it.  When PC adds new appliances to their computers, there hard drive tends to get bigger, which tends to increases the size of the computer

When you look at Apple's products, they are all very thin, strong and compact, but at the same time they hold a lot of memory.  Even thought there products are so thin and light, they have a very long lasting battery life.  On PC's when you download something, you end up downloading a whole package of something which slows down the battery life.  With Mac's it is a pick and choose system.  If you want to download one application, that is all you will download unless you download a few other things along with it.  With PC's you have to end up downloading a few other things in order to download the one application you want.

Lastly, Mac's come with all the general applications you need such as iPhoto, iMovie, iTunes etc, and as it says in the advert, this is all apart of iLife. When you want to download extra applications you can do that whenever you want and download exactly what you want without downloading a bunch of other unwanted applications, much like what PC does.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Steve Jobs