Friday, 3 February 2012

Apple - Textbooks

Carrying textbooks around school it not so fun, they are heavy and the pages rip very easily.  They often fall of tables, onto the floor, and damage quite easily.  Textbooks are also very expensive and are hard to maintain there good condition.  

Recently Apple has partnered up with some of the biggest educational publishers in North America, including:

- Mifflin Harcourt
- McGraw Hill Cos.
- Pearson... etc

By partnering up with them, Apple will be able to have a copy of the majority of textbooks in North America on a program called iBooks 2.  Students will now be able to purchase textbooks online with iBook and in America, it costs less than $15.  Along with iBooks, Apple is planning on releasing a free program that Apple product users will be able to access.  The Apple product users will be able to make textbooks, cookbooks and many other similar contents on that program if they wish to do so.

iBooks 2 will make it easier for students to access textbooks where ever they are.  They don't have to worry about misplacing a textbook, ripping a textbook, writing on a textbook and the expenses of a textbook.  iBooks 2 will provide staff and students and new fun way of learning.   Using iBooks 2 will help students enhance their knowledge of technology and help them expand different ways of learning.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Foolish. Stay Hungry." - Steve Jobs

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