Saturday, 26 November 2011

Mac vs. PC - Networking

Watch the following (it is a Mac vs. PC Commercial and is based on networking)

This video is showing how Apple products is able to be interconnect and understand other countries.  Again, as all the Mac vs. PC Commercials are, they are very biased and again, they are TRUE!  When you receive any product from the Apple Store, it comes installed with Language settings etc and they are easy to find.  On the other hand however, PC doesn't make it so easy to change the settings of languages.

Mac can provide every language presently used in the world built into there products.  They ensure that Apple products will please every single user.  There language options help there customer satisfactory thrive.  They also provide language translation that comes with the computer on there widgets.  Because of there excessive language functions there are able to connect with all Apple companies all over the world and discuss certain issues.

Because Apple includes all of their language settings built into there products it expands the amount of social networking and makes it easier for people to interconnect with many people all over the world.  Any computer can do this, but Apple makes it even easier with there language settings already built into there systems.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish"  Steve Jobs

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