Saturday 31 March 2012

Facts about the MacBook Pro:

- Thin
- Light
- Made out of aluminium
- The unibody is made out of aluminium
- Great strength rate ratio
- 2X faster processor
- 2X faster graphics
- HD Camera
- Has face time
- Multi-Touch trackpad
- Long lasting battery (7 hours)
- Well connected

Saturday 24 March 2012

iPhone 4S Facts

Facts about the iPhone 4S:

- A5 chip (twice as fast at the iPhone 4)
- Camera:
      - 8 mega pixels
      - New optics
      - Increased size of aperture to let more light in
      - Added a fifth lens (results in a sharper image)
- Comes with IOS 5 with over 200 new features
      - The chip has two processors which handle the work load
- Comes with iCloud which stores:
      - Music
      - Photos
      - Apps
      - Mail
      - Contacts
      - Calendars
      - Documents and much more
- Siri
      - Uses just your voice
      - Understands you
      - Can make reminders for you
      - Can answer your questions

Thursday 15 March 2012

The new iPad

Facts about the new iPad:

- A5X chip
      - This new chip was made because more power was needed because of the increase in pixels
- 5 mega pixel eye sight camera
- New software that redefines what you can do with movies, music and photos
- Retina display (highest resolution ever on a mobile device)
- The new ipad has four times more pixels that the iPad 2
- 10 hour battery life
- Wireless
      - WiFi
      - GSM
      - UMTS
      - GPS
      - CDMA
      - LTE
      - Bluetooth
- iPhoto, iMovie, iTunes, iLife

Sunday 11 March 2012

Mac vs. PC - Transferring

Watch the following (it is a Apple vs. PC commercial based on transferring files):

What may be stopping some PC users from changing to a Mac is the transferring of files.  As shown in the video, transferring the files from a PC to a Mac is not as hard as it may sound.

You can even buy a mac laptop and have PC software on it if you wish to.

So if you do decide to switch to a Mac from a PC, all of the files from your PC will be on your Mac, so it will make the process a lot easier.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Say Foolish." Steve Jobs

Saturday 3 March 2012

Watch the following (it is a Apple vs. PC commercial based on money):

Would you prefer to have great advertisement, and an awful computer, or decent advertisement and a great computer?  Lets face it, most of us would want decent advertising and a great computer.  The reason why PC still has Vista problems is because so much of their money is going towards advertisement and not computer problems.

Apple has a good balance, they provide enough money for advertisement and for fixing any problems they come across.  Apples advertisements is what helps there sales.  They have great advertisement which helps with there sales.

For PC, yes they put a lot of money into advertisement, which is supposed to attract consumers.  The only problem is, consumers don't want to buy a computer that has problems.

- Apple vs. pc
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."