Sunday 22 January 2012

Mac vs. PC - Boxes

Watch the following (it is a Mac vs. PC commercial based on 'boxes'):
When people buy a new laptop, the majority of them wants one that has all of the materials you need in one place.  Some of you may have noticed that when you buy a mac, all of the materials you need come in one box and has very simple instructions.  However, for PC's they have a different story.  Yes, all of the materials come in one box but the instructions to start a PC computer are very difficult to understand and aren't user-friendly.  Apple ensures customers that there laptops are very easy to set up.

When you turn on laptops it usually takes a while for them to even turn on and get started, especially with PC's.  They take quite a long time to 'wake up' and start processing information.  Mac's turn on very quickly because there processing has been programmed to go quickly.  Especially for iPads, some of you may have noticed as soon as you take your case of your iPad, it turns right on!  Mac programmes there products to turn on quickly and sufficiently.

The reason why PC's take so long to turn on is because they have so many parts that need to work together in order to open a programme, and sometimes all of those parts don't work together.  The more parts, the slower the laptop.  Mac computers have minimum amount of parts and that is why there laptops work faster.  They have taken away un-needed parts and used the parts that are necessary to producing a fast and sufficient laptop.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." - Steve Jobs

Thursday 12 January 2012

Mac vs. PC - Pictures/iLife

Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC Commercial based of Pictures/iLife)

Imagine, you want to find a picture of your old high school friend on your laptop, but you have thousands of photos to look through, but you deal with it and look through every photo until you find the picture you want.  Now imagine, you still want to find a picture of your old high school friend on your laptop, and you have thousands of photos to look through, and you deal with finding the picture you need by using face recognition.  On iPhoto, you can tag people in your pictures and it will automatically tag that person in all the other pictures you own.  Wouldn't your life be so much easier?

iLife comes with macs as soon as you buy it from the store, it is already in the system of macs.  Some iLife programs are:

- iPhoto
- iTunes
- iMovie

... and many more.  iPhoto is where all of your photos are stored.  It shows all your pictures you have with high clarity and face recognition if you decide to use it.  If you put a name on someones face in a picture, then it will detect that same face on all the other pictures they are in, in your iphoto albums.

If you are having difficulty when finding pictures of people that you want to find, then iPhoto will help you  locate these pictures easily.  Many iLife programs are easy to use and very useful.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." Steve Jobs

Thursday 5 January 2012

Mac vs. PC - Power cords

Watch the following (It's a Mac vs. PC Commercial based on Power cords)

Even though this commercial is over exaggerated, accidents like this do happen, it has even happened to me before, but with a mac power cord so nothing happened to me.  The different between the Apple and PC power cord:

Apple: Magnetically pops in and out of the socket
PC: Stays securely plugged into the socket.

If someone trips over a PC power cord, then they are most likely to fall over and hurt themselves.  Because the power cord is so securely plugged into the laptop then there is a higher risk of someone getting hurt when they trip over the cord.  The laptop may even slide of the desk and on to the floor.

If someone trips over a Mac power cord, then they most likely won't fall over because of the magnetic connection between the cord and the socket.  The cord would just pop right out if someone was to trip over it.  Some people may think that it is silly to have a power cord that can pop out really easily, but if you directly pull out an apple power cord, it does not come out that easily.  If you angle the power cord to come out of the socket, then it is easier to pull out.

Because the Apple power cord magnetically pops in and out of the socket, there would be less safety issues, and not many people would get hurt from tripping over an Apple power cord.

- Apple vs. PC
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish" - Steve Jobs